
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Back to the "new" normal

A dogless existence has taught me to stop playing fetch. After the first hour, I started to realize that the stick just wasn't coming back. I no longer have the luxury of sitting back and watching my dog eat the pests that intrude on my garden: squirrels, rabbits, possum, neighbors,... I had to buy a product that came to me lauded with praises like, "it's better than electrified barbed-wire", or "damn, it's so good it's better than having a slaughter house web cam." I've heard praises like this before but when I heard the brand name I knew it had to be worth the money. The company simply calls it "off". It's kind of ominous. What does it mean? Is it "fork off", "shove off", "piss off", "stay off", "get off", "push off", "off off", "toss off", "on/off", "lay off", "sort off", "stain off", ... It seems like there are endless possibilities. Maybe that's how it works. While you're trying to figure what the name means it creeps up on you and...WHAMO. I haven't been able to take my eyes off my garden since the purchase.


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